Thursday, May 23, 2013

HUMN240 Pop Culture Assignment

Okay I am writing this blog because it is an assignment given to me in a popular culture class. The following will explain my feelings about "pop culture":

I believe pop culture is exactly what is wrong with the United States of America. Mostly because current pop culture is no longer about culture, it is about commercializing any form of media that can be commercialized and selling it to a mass of peons that will buy it and view/listen to it simply because everyone else is buying it. Unfortunately, there is no lyrical value left in music because all that sells these days is a beat for people to bounce along too. Even genres that were once rich with meaningful lyrical content have transformed into pop music (hip hop, country, etc.). There are no moral and value teachings in mainstream movies or meaning about real life. Instead, there is just crude humor so that something of shock value can be put in a trailer to peak people's interest in buying a ticket to the movie. This also has not always been the case. There once was a time when music had true lyrical value and not just some of the music but most of the music. Including that which was part of the popular culture. Unfortunately, that time has ended.  

For a chosen artifact (song, film, etc) that represents the good in pop culture today, I chose the song “I Gave You All” by Mumford & Sons. I believe this song, along with the rest of the Mumford & Sons collection, shows a true passion for the meaning of the lyrics and well put-together harmonies. Most of my beliefs stated above were aimed solely at “pop” culture, meaning the mainstream media that the majority of society knows, sees, and hears about. That is not to say that all media is atrocious. Please enjoy the song and lyrics of Mumford and Son’s “I Gave You All” below.

1 comment:

  1. I too believe that pop culture is no longer about culture, but then I stop and ask myself; was it really ever about culture?
